Time:2023-06-12 Preview:
Generally speaking, iron products may rust, which is basic knowledge and many people are aware of. For example, CNC parts processing or accessories used as bearings
Due to improper inventory conditions or rust prevention, it is easy to rust, which cannot be treated by mechanical methods. If chemical pickling is used, it will
Wat method is there to remove rust when it damages the accuracy of the parts?
1、 Soaking cleaning process:
1. Add professional cleaning solution to the tank (it is recommended to use a plastic or stainless steel tank to reduce the infiltration of iron ions into the original solution and reduce its service life);
2. Use an electric heater to heat to 40-50 degrees and maintain it at room temperature, but it may only require an extension of time
3. Soak the hardware processing parts into the groove;
Wipe cleaning process:
1. Wipe repeatedly with a cloth, which is suitable for cleaning and rust removal of large equipment or workpieces;
2. After wiping, dry it with hot air or naturally dry it before applying anti rust oil.
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