Time:2022-06-27 Preview:
Electroplating of connector contacts also serves a mechanical purpose, rubbing two pieces of metal can cause friction and damage, and a layer of electroplating protects the base metal of the contacts below. Gold is often used as an electroplating material for a number of reasons, not only is it excellent electrical conductivity, but gold is also a precious metal and does not react with other materials...
·For detailed introduction of the precision CNC processing process, do you know? ·The current national medical equipment processing is a development trend ·What is non -marked parts ·CNC processing security operating procedure ·The hardware spray paint can test the storage deterioration problem from several aspects ·Explore CNC programming ·What are the main parts of the use of CNC lathe processing manufacturers? ·Large CNC processing center processing ·The roughness of the workpiece of the high -speed processing center ·Carving and milling operating method